Practical information

School hours

The school is open from 7:55am to 3:30pm


The school office is open from 7:40am to 3:15pm Monday to Thursday, and until 2:30pm on Fridays. The school's phone number is 411-6800 and the email address is


Students have snack time around 10am. Students should bring healthy snacks from home, such as bread, fruit or vegetables. Students are encouraged to bring water bottles from home. Cookies, sweet drinks or pastries are not allowed.



Students attend physical education classes in Hamraskóli's gym. Swimming lessons take place at Grafarvogur swimming pool. Students travel by bus between the school and the pool. Students must always bring appropriate clothing for physical education and swimming. A doctor's note must be submitted to the school if a student cannot participate in physical education or swimming for an extended period.


Phone use

Hamraskóli is a phone-free school. If students bring phones to school, they must be turned off and kept in schoolbags. It's best to leave phones at home. In exceptional cases, phones may be used for learning under teacher guidance when appropriate.


Absence notifications

Parents should call the school office at the start of the school day to report absences or notify them through Unreported absences are recorded as truancy.

Attendance guidelines

The school emphasizes student punctuality. All children aged 6 to 16 must attend school, and parents/guardians are responsible for their enrollment, attendance, and participation.

If attendance issues arise, parents/guardians and the school must respond. To ensure effective responses, Reykjavík's primary schools follow unified guidelines and rules.