Educational assessment at Hamraskóli
At Hamraskóli, we work with and assess the competence criteria of the National Curriculum set for each subject. On Mentor, you can view a student's competence profile, which includes numerous competence criteria for each subject.
We assess only the core criteria essential to student learning, not every single criteria. Teachers work with all competence criteria, providing students with diverse feedback throughout their schooling. Continuous assessment occurs throughout the school year.
We use a five-level rubric as shown below. Most students are expected to achieve the "competence achieved" level.
Rubric definitions
- Outstanding - for students who excel and whose competence exceeds grade-level requirements.
- Competence achieved - has a good grasp of competence criteria.
- On the right track - has not fully met the requirements for competence achievement.
- Needs practice - fair competence and academic performance. Student has not met the requirements for competence achievement.
- Competence not achieved - student has achieved little to none of the competence criteria, is unwilling to cooperate, and does little to no work.
Hamraskóli uses formative learning, providing students with continuous feedback throughout the year.