Health care at Hamraskóli

Healthcare for schoolchildren is part of general healthcare and a continuation of infant and toddler care. The goal is to improve students' health and well-being. School healthcare staff work closely with parents, school administrators, teachers and others involved in student affairs, focusing on their welfare. All information is treated confidentially. School healthcare services are recorded in the primary healthcare's electronic medical records.


Education and prevention

School healthcare provides organized health education and promotes healthy lifestyles. Every opportunity is used to educate students and make them aware of and responsible for their own health. Parents can seek advice from school health services regarding their children's mental, physical and social health.

Illustration of a child, teacher and parent sitting together at a table.

The 6H of Health

Health education is based on the 6H health concept, a collaborative project between Healthcare and the Public Health Institute.

The education focuses on: healthiness – hiatus – hustle – hygiene – happiness - heroism and sexual health. After the education, parents receive a letter giving them the opportunity to discuss what their children learned.

Regular check-ups and vaccinations

1st grade: Vision test, height and weight measurement, along with education and consultation about lifestyle and well-being.

4th grade: Vision test, height and weight measurement, along with education and consultation about lifestyle and well-being.

7th grade: Vision test, height and weight measurement, along with education and consultation about lifestyle and well-being. Vaccinations against measles, rubella, and mumps (one shot) and HPV for cervical cancer prevention for girls (3 shots over 6 months)

Students in other grades are examined if deemed necessary.

School healthcare also monitors that children have received the vaccinations recommended by the Director of Health. Parents will be contacted if children haven't received adequate vaccinations.

Contact us

Rósa Sólveig Steinarsdóttir, nurse

Present at Hamraskóli: Tuesday and Wednesday 8:30am - 12:30pm



Phone: 4116800